Earn Money Online | Working from Home


Upload Products that you have!

  • Create your Account by clicking here
  • Verify your account
  • Go to Dashboard Dashboard
  • Pick any product. For example mobile phone, or any item
  • Search for it in the Database.
  • If it's available, upload a photograph
  • Please mention the price you bought it at.


Provide a brief description of how to use!

  • Describe the product you just uploaded.
  • Mention from where you bought it, online or offline
  • A Video increases your chances of getting a product approved, but it is not mandatory to upload videos.


On Approval get scratch cards and earn money!

  • We will review the products you uploaded.
  • On approval you will get a scratch card, which can be money or coupon code.
  • Make sure you provide the correct bank details or UPI Id, to which you want the money to transfer